The Lord’s Prayer – Make it Your Own!

This month the Sunday School is focusing on the Lord’s Prayer and making it our own!  You’ll find a display about the Lord’s Prayer in the Sunday School Room and you can read some of the questions we are pondering HERE as well as download the WORKSHEET we are working with to help us write our own spiritual sense of the prayer. Join with us by making this prayer your own!!!



1 thought on “The Lord’s Prayer – Make it Your Own!

  1. The Lord’s Prayer (My Prayer to Him)

    Our Father

    My Father who has created me wonderfully in love and held me close even before conception and birth. Fearfully also did you create me that opposite forces don’t see me but you, an image of awesomeness. I give thanks to you Father for your goodness and mercy which endures forever. Your love for me can never be compared with earthly love, for earthly love dies away but yours lasts forevermore. Let my love for you never cease even in my darkest of days.

    Who art in heaven

    In heaven the angels and elders adore you. Awesome were you yesterday, awesome are you today and awesome will you always be forevermore. In just six days you created the heavens and earth and rested in your majestic abode, watching and patiently waiting for the embrace of your children. To and fro you have watched our steps, using the alliance of heaven at our call. The Great King of heaven and earth you are, but yet you listen to prayers from dust made with your own hands. Dust who had once scattered but yet you gather again even at the expense of your son’s blood.

    Hallowed be thy name

    That is why your name can never be forgotten; from the in-depth of my heart which travels swiftly to my lips your name shall be praised. Your name has become my boastful mountain which I stand upon declaring “I can never be moved”. Your name I revere from the rising of the sun until it’s going down, even in my deepest sleep whilst I lie lifeless on my bed. As I have hallowed your name, let my unborn seed revere your name, because I know on their way onto the earth you will know them even before they are formed.

    Thy Kingdom come

    Let your Kingdom dwell in me, to get rid of my old wicked self and make me a new body which forms part of Christ our Lord.

    Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven

    All you want of me let it done with love and trembling. Help me to live in obedience and carry out the purpose of my birth in your service. Let the Kingdom of heaven work together with me as your will on earth is done.

    Give us this day our daily bread

    Remember Father, I am dependant on you for my existence on earth, for food, clothing and shelter cometh from thy hand. Bless me in all areas of my life as I seek the Kingdom and its righteousness. Your added promise to me I know you will not forget.

    Forgive us our debt as we forgive our debtors

    Forgive me loving Father for sins which my heart, words and actions have committed. Though my heart has once burned against my debtors, I remembered your words “you will not forgive me”. Father, you not forgiving me, is like death to my bones. How can I be far from your loving embrace because of the foolishness of unforgiveness? Never will I be far from you because of something as common as unforgiveness. I forgive all who have trespassed against me.

    And lead us not into temptation

    Though money, power and lust have tempted my flesh, my spirit is lead by what is greater than them all. The Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit continue always to be my confidant leading me away from temptations all days of my life.

    But deliver us from evil

    I give thanks to you Mighty One, for you have delivered me from forces my eyes have not seen. I sleep, wake up, go out and return home with no hurt because of you my shield and buckler. You have even given me power to grand evil like sawdust through my words. I laugh in joy knowing I will always be delivered from evil.

    For thine is the Kingdom, Your Power and your glory Forever and ever Amen.

    For your Kingdom shall reign forevermore. A Kingdom not made out of the feeble hands of mankind. A Kingdom where we the saints shall live, giving glory and honour unto you our God. Your power shall light up your Kingdom; never again shall we be of need of the sun. Father forever and ever by your side never again to part. In Jesus name Amen.

    All from my heart to you God my Father.
    Your Daughter Osa.

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