Reminder: Interfaith Event Saturday 5/12

The Downtown Islamic Center (DIC) will open its doors to visitors and friends from other religious and spiritual communities on Saturday, May 12 from 1-3 p.m.  Please note the change in both day (Saturday, not Sunday) and time 1-3 p.m. from our other Sharing Sacred Spaces events.

The event is the eighth and final installment of the Council for the Parliament of World Religions’ “Sharing Sacred Spaces” project, which has brought together eight different religious and spiritual communities in Chicago’s Downtown.  Each community has opened its doors on one afternoon during the year to showcase its sacred space and to share the history of its community and traditions.

Located in the heart of the Chicago Loop at 231 S. State Street, the DIC was founded in 1976 to provide a space for Muslims in the downtown area to attend Friday prayers. While originally intended for those who commuted to the Loop for work, the DIC has grown into a vibrant downtown religious presence, providing classes, lectures, and daily prayers.  The Friday Jumu’ah draws upwards of 500 people.

“Sacred Spaces” visitors will witness a call to prayer, tour the center, see the 99 colorful tiles which illustrate the attributes of God, ask questions and learn about Islam. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Downtown Islamic Center
231 S. State Street
Chicago, IL 60604

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