Radical Acts Project Update

The Radical Acts Project has effectively stirred it up at Seventeenth Church’s Sunday School! This summer we’ve been focusing on them in our classes and working with them in our individual lives. #7 – learning to forgive 70×7 has been challenging for some as has #18 “walking on water!” (Click here to see all 18 practices.)

One practice, #16 “traveling without a wallet,” took us totally by surprise. Early in the summer, for two Sundays in a row, we found ourselves without any students in Sunday School. Commenting on this fact on the second Sunday, one staff member likened our no student situation to what it must feel like to “travel without a wallet.” No students. No wallet. The staff laughed.

At first our laughter was nervous & tentative and then it turned into a good ole belly laugh! It was a bit scary to find ourselves without students. Our regular students all had valid reasons to be absent – family vacations and attending camp. However, the thought of how to ‘get’ more students seemed daunting. And, the idea of no students all summer long was discouraging.

But as the teaching of Jesus’ willingness to travel without a wallet dawned on us our laughter became confident. We were glimpsing the spiritual insight of this radical act – to trust in God’s provision. After the group laugh, we agreed to travel together without a wallet – whatever that meant attendance wise during the summer months.

The following Sunday no students came. So, we wrote them letters! We wrote all our regular students and the visitors that came last year. In our letters and emails we expressed gratitude for their support of Sunday School, told them about the Radical Acts projects and where they could find it online, and even mentioned our own “traveling without wallet” story.

Sunday School classes have been active with student participation ever since. We’ve reconnected with a college student and have welcomed a new student that an alert staff member thought to invite and has brought to Sunday School for several weeks now. There will be more opportunities to practice these amazing teachings of Christ Jesus. We just wanted to share with the whole community at Seventeenth Church of Christ, Scientist the lesson we learned from this one radical act.

We encourage everyone to stop by the Sunday School room and learn more about the Radical Acts Project or go online and participate right now at time4thinkers.com.

Here’s a link to our post on time4thinkers.com where several folks from around the country/world have commented on our experience about “traveling without a wallet.”

4 thoughts on “Radical Acts Project Update

  1. truly a Christ inspired idea… I am going to bring it to our own church and join in!
    thanks for such a dynamic, interactive project that a world of spiritual thinkers can share

    • Great to hear from you Kate! This project has been an awesome focus for our Sunday School. We highly recommend it 🙂

      Hope you’ve had a lovely, creative summer!!!!!!


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