Give Radical Acts

“‘Tis the season to be RADICAL,” so says!

The Radical Acts project is an ecumenical online community that’s following Jesus’ toughest teachings today.  This month they are suggesting a radical approach to holiday giving …  “Skip the shopping, ditch the trinkets, shrink your carbon footprint, and take an entirely spiritual approach to gift giving. It’s free too, so you can save $ for something more important — like a gift to your favorite charity.”

Radical Acts/The Game is a community activity to give away and play yourself throughout the holidays and beyond.  CHECK IT OUT.  Anyone interested in Christ Jesus or living a life that makes a difference to others — regardless of denomination or church affiliation — can enjoy it. Age is irrelevant. The Game is for youth and youthful thinkers.  There’s a personalized colorful e-card you can send it to every spiritual seeker on your Christmas list.

The Game is fun. It’s spiritually challenging. It draws us closer to friends and family. And there’s no competition involved. In this game, everyone wins!

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