It’s a wrap – thanks for a great Lit Fest

600Thanks to the 13 volunteers who helped staff the Christian Science Reading Room booth last weekend at the 30th annual Printers Row Lit Fest.  We had animated and insightful conversations with dozens of fest participants, distributed more than 130 samples copies of The Christian Science Monitor magazine, and sold our bestseller – Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy – to a handful of folk.  One booth worker summed up the experience beautifully when he wrote, “I am very grateful for the opportunity to serve on behalf of the Joint Reading Room, the Church, and ultimately God. I had three to four very engaging conversations, and I wished I could have more. Speaking to the public is such a blessing. (It is a challenge in the beginning.) But, this type of work is a ministry that seeks to bless our fellow man, and is one of the highest types of love (and Love).”

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