Indire Johnson, Difference-Maker

Have you seen Indira Johnson’s sculptures around Chicago?  “They appear when you least expect it: 300-pound sculpted heads of the Buddha, emerging from sidewalks, under the L tracks, and amid parks and gardens in some of Chicago‘s most densely populated and violence-plagued neighborhoods.

The public art project, titled “Ten Thousand Ripples,” is meant to be a “catalyst” for encouraging conversations about peace in areas of Chicago that need it the most, says Indira Johnson, the Chicago-area artist who designed the heads. They number around 38 now, she says, but that number will grow to 100 by late spring.”

READ MORE about this unique peace project on The Christian Science Monitor’s website.

March: Women’s History Month

Do you know the woman in the Bible depicted this painting by Marc Chagall?

Women’s History Month is being featured and discussed in the Christian Science Sunday School at Seventeenth Church of Christ, Scientist – Chicago this month.  In the Sunday School room you’ll find a display and quiz about Women in the Bible along with an opportunity to name the  women in history who have inspired you.  Everyone is invited to drop by and test your knowledge!

This month, you’ll also find an audio online chat on about a pioneering woman, Mary Baker Eddy, who founded this church.  This chat isn’t Mary Baker Eddy at arm’s length—it’s a personal, intimate look at the Mary who was more than just a media mogul, or even a radical spiritual pioneer. You’ll meet the woman whose struggles and triumphs have inspired, guided, and in many ways changed the course of the speakers’ lives. Tune in anytime to listen to examples that will encourage you on your own path.